Product updates

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Improved file uploads and auto-creation of stock/ETF transactions

We have improved the file upload process to support uploading multiple files at once (via upload and drag-and-drop) and added the ability to auto-create stock/ETF transactions from the uploaded files. This makes life a lot easier, as you can just drag your order confirmations on to the detail page of your portfolio asset.

You can assign files to one or multiple transactions (bank transactions, crypto transactions, stock/ETF transactions) and therefore always have the right documents at hand. This becomes especially helpful when working on thing like your annual tax return.

Total value assets with automated updates via FinAPI

Until now, you could connect your bank accounts through our open banking partner FinAPI, but only when importing transactions at the same time. Now, if you don't want to have all the details in Walletguide, you can add an asset and connect it as a total value asset.

New navigation structure

We have redesigned our main navigation to make it easier for you to get to the most important sections more quickly. Profit & Loss is now on the top level, Assets replaces the old Dashboard, and things like Categories, Merchants, and Tags have been moved to the Settings submenu.

Profit & Loss improvements

We have introduced collapsible categories in the Profit & Loss report. By default, the category groups are collapsed to help you see the big picture more quickly. You can always click on a parent category group to see what's inside.


Because all the data you provide to Walletguide is very sensitive, we now support token-based multi-factor authentication. You can use the authenticator app of your choice and simply scan the QR code when going through the setup profiles in the user settings.

Introducing FinAPI as our new open banking partner

We have changed our main open banking provider from GoCardless to FinAPI. This allows us to offer many more different account types (savings, loans, etc.).

Launching investment portfolios

After offering cryptocurrency tracking last month, we have now completed the same integration for stocks and ETFs. From now on, you can easily add your buy and sell transactions and we will track the price and performance of each security going forward.

New asset overview page

We have created a new Net Worth / Asset Overview page that shows all of your assets in one place. This new view also replaces the main dashboard. The old dashboard has been moved to the Reports section.

Track your worth without the details - launching total value assets

You can now add assets that allow you to easily update the value from time to time. This is especially helpful if you don't want to worry about detailed transactions and just want to model the total balance.

Introducing crypto currencies

We have launched support for crypto portfolios in Walletguide. For now, you can track Bitcoin and Ethereum, with many other cryptocurrencies to follow. For now you have to enter the buy/sell transactions manually, but we are already working on more automation.

Improved new asset flow

We have redesigned the entire process of creating a new asset. You can now select your asset type first, and then we offer you multiple options for how to connect or manage your asset.

Launching support for multiple currencies

Previously, you could only set one currency for the entire account. Now you can set different currencies for different assets and we do all the heavy lifting in the background.

Improved performance for auto-detecting merchants

When working with thousands of transactions, suggesting merchants for each change becomes very intensive.

We have greatly improved the algorithms so that this process takes only a few seconds in most cases.

Automated merchant detection via our new brand database

After the Google Maps release from last month, we have now introduced further auto-classification using our new brand database. This will auto-classify almost all transactions from known brands.